BPI Direto


Convenience and Flexibility
You can access your account worldwide, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Ease and Speed
Access your account quickly and simply by phone, with the ability to carry out a wide range of banking operations.

Registration for BPI Direct is free and provides very favourable terms for carrying out operations, comparable to those you would benefit at any BPI branch.

Security and Confidentiality
Using the most advanced data protection technology, along with Access Keys and Personal Coordinates Card, BPI guarantees total security and confidentiality in carrying out operations.

Available Operations

BPI Direct allows you to carry out the main operations available at BPI.

BPI Direct has a fast and easy-to-use automatic service system. Just dial 707 020 500 (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week), follow the instructions and dial as indicated:

  1. BPI DIreto Options:
  • View: Balance, Movements, IBAN, Integrated Position.
  • Transfers: To another BPI account, to another bank, with aditional information to the recipient
  • Payments: MEO Payment, NOS Payment, Vodafone Payment,Payments to the state.
  • Cheques: Cheques requisition,.
  • Cards: Movements, Date of the last extract, Card payment, Balance, Entity and reference query, Change of payment percentage, Change of credit limits.
  • BPI Net Bolsa Operations or informations
  • Other operations: Sign in to another account, Changing of the secret code.
  1. Service Cancellation
  2. Operator