Daily Report

3 de Junho de 2020
Daily Report 03.06.2020
  • Market sentiment continued to improve as investors focused on easing lockdown restrictions and signs of recovering economic indicators. Volatility declined and higher risk appetite led to broad gains across stock markets in advanced and emerging economies.
  • In fixed income markets, U.S. sovereign yields nudged up while Germany's ticked down. Euro area peripheral spreads remained roughly steady after narrowing down in the previous sessions.
  • In oil markets, Brent oil prices jumped again amid higher hopes that producers will agree to extend output cuts.
  • ECB public sector holdings represented 80% of total PEPP purchases in March-May. German bonds amounted to 27% of sovereign assets, while Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese bonds amounted to 22%, 14%, 13% and 2%, respectively. Purchases of core bonds were skewed towards shorter maturities than those of peripheral bonds.